Liner Notes

Lyrics by Kris McDaniel

Ben Bradley: bass guitar
Carrie Jenkins: vocals
Kris McDaniel: vocals, piano, lap slide electric guitar
Hille Paakkunainen: edrums

Art by Paul Prescott


Sometimes I wish I were a scientist
Doing experiments
Publishing in the Physics Review

It certainly would be fab
To have an expensive lab
And discover the fundamental glue

Philosophers would look up to me
Cite my work respectfully
Say that’s how philosophy
Should be

And no more strange airplane conversations
Or lying on trains about my occupation
To avoid the question
“What’s your philosophy?”

Say goodbye to the a priori
Say goodbye to the a priori
What has it ever done for you?

No more anxiety if it’s just a game
Playing with words and dropping names
Friends citing friends citing friends again

No more searching in vain
For a philosophy book section that
Don’t cause me the pain
Of endless volumes of Deepak Chopra and Shirley MacLaine

Say goodbye to the a priori
Say goodbye to the a priori
What has it ever done for you?