Liner Notes

Lyrics based on the fragments of Heraclitus arranged by Kris McDaniel

Carrie Jenkins: vocals
Kris McDaniel: classical guitar, ukulele, keyboards, hand percussion
Hille Paakkunainen: edrums

Art by Paul Prescott


Couples are things whole and not whole
What is drawn together and
What is drawn asunder
Because this world is made of fire
An ever living fire
All things are its kindling
Fire is the interchange of all things
This world is made of fire
An ever living fire

A man, when he gets drunk
Is led by a beardless lad
Tripping, knowing not where he steps
Having his soul moist
It is not better for men to get
All they wish to get
There is no same river, different waters flow

In strife all things have their beginnings
Fire is the interchange of all things
This world is made of fire
An ever living fire

Time is a child at play
Moving counters in a game
This world is made of fire
An ever living fire

One should not act or speak
As if one were asleep
Greater dooms win greater destinies
The way up and the way down are
One and the same
Every beast is driven to pasture by a blow

Though wisdom is common, yet the many live
As if they had a wisdom of their own
Asses would rather have straw than gold
This world, which is the same for all
No one of gods or men has made
Listen not to me but to the Logos
It’s wise to note that all things are one